
Changes to my study programme

 I think there are a lot of things I would change, starting with for the infrastructure, more places are needed for lunch, there aren´t many tables to eat, many times with my friends, we had to eat in uncomfortable places because there is no room for everyone at lunchtime and more places to study are also needed. On the other hand, I would  also change certain approaches to some branches or their chronological order, for example (this is in my opinion), there are subjects were studied at the beginning of the major that are very compact, so a lot of information was introduced in a very short time, therefore, it isn´t very integrated in our brain. In other matters, there are branches that I feel aren't as necessary or that their information can be reduced to one unit or less (no intention to belittle), what I mean is, if we narrow down those courses that don´t have as much relevance to our specific major, we can give that time and space to the courses that are very completely neccesa

time travel to the past or future

 The future    If I had to choose, travel to the future or the past, I would choose the future. It has always given me a bit curiosity as it will be, I would say it´s influence of the movies, in specific of three, which are: "Back to the future", when they show the skateboard that floated (when I was little I wantend one), "The fifth element", with its flying cars and spaceships and "Wall-e". With the technological advances we have today everything is possible, however,  I don´t want a future like these last two movies  because of the great change that is perceived in nature, I can´t imagine a world without great lakes, huge montains and wildlife.  On the other hand, I would also like to know the progress  we have made as a society, that is, do wars continue?, is there still a marked difference due to skin color, beliefs or ideologies?, is it still fighting with global warming?, among many other questions, I feel that we have made a lot  of progress but th

My dream job

My dream job  Well, I´ve always wondered about my ideal job, I´m still looking for that answer. Since chi ldhood I have like drawing and doing crafts, I thougth I could pursue an artistic major, but I didn´t safe enough and I said "I like helping people" then, I decided on an area of health. So now I´m studying chemestry and pharmacy, I don´t like to be behind a desk all day (I feel exhausting) and I think this major can create a lot of oppotunities to avoid that. I would like to work in a clinical pharmacy, be in contact with the patient but no as much as a nurse, altought a contradictory thing about me is that, I would also like later (in the distant future) to study paramedic because, Have you ever been thanked and that has feel very gratifying?, that´s what I want to feel in my ideal job, I mean, I want to do my bit. If you ask me how much a clinical pharmacist earns I couldn´t answer, I haven´t found out about the salary of anything, although being honest, I entered

The best holiday ever

 The best holidays ever  If I had to choose the best of  my holidays it would be when I was 17, I traveled to the south of  Chile specifically Villarrica with my two best friends, the family of one of them and my family. We were about to graduate from high school or "enseñanza media", so we wanted to keep beautiful memories before we separated. We stayed a week in a cabin that was very close to a lake (I don`t remember its name), but it was in the vicinity of Challupen. During the week we went out to several sides, we climbed the nearest hills (I know, Santiaguinos surprised). We visited the dry river where lava once passed, we visited close relatives of my grandmother and we met the Toltén river, I could spend and hour looking at it and I would not get tired, it´s very serene. We also got on the kayaks, it´s very entertaining!. If I had to pick my favorite time it would be at lunchtime, as we were many people we needed giant tables for lunch, it was all very noisy but warm a

A country you would like to visit

            Switzerland I`d like to visit to Switzerland beause I find its landscapes very beautiful, some of them remind me a bit of the movie "the hobbit". Seeing the images of some town in this country gives me a certain tranquility, not anoyying noises like those they like those presented in cities, for example; New york. Well, some curious facts that I know about that country is that they have four national languages wich are: French, German, Italian and Romansh. Another thing that catches my attention is that assisted suicide is legal there, many people from different countries travel to put an end to their life, it is known as "the tourism of deaht" As I have already mentioned, I find its landscapes very nice, if I could visit the country I would like to do it with my friends I have to go on excursion, visit all posible places and take many photographs to have memories of those moments. So also, I would like to be able to work there because it is one of the